The Comic Strip Presents...
This is how Dawn started out it started as a comedy club, but then turned into a TV series. Five go Mad in Dorset went
out on the 1st night of Channel 4.
There were 41 episodes in total, 3 were feature films, Dawn starred in the following 28:
Five go Mad in Dorset 1982- George War 1983- Beat Generation 1983- Eleanor Bad News Tour 1983- Tracey Summer
School 1983- Ursula Five go Mad on Mescalin 1983- George Dirty Movie 1984- Monica Susie 1984- Susie Fistful of
Travellers Cheques 1984- Jackie Gino full Story and Pics 1984- Frances Eddie Monsoon, A life 1984- Veronica Slags
1984- Passion
The Supergrass 1985- Andrea (feature film)
Consuela or The new Mrs Saunders 1986- Consuela Private Enterprise 1986- Nayler
Eat The Rich 1987- Debbie Draws (feature film)
The Strike 1988- Verity/Old Lady/Celebrity More Bad News 1988- Rachel Mr Jolly lives next door 1988- Mrs Cooper South
Atlantic Raiders Prt 1 1990- Frances South Atlantic Raiders Prt 2 1990- Frances GLC Carnage Continues 1990- Joan Oxford
1990- Caroline Spaghetti Hoops 1990- Francesca Red Nose of Courage 1992- Glynis Kinnock Space Virgins from Planet
Sex 1993- Gaynor Four Men in a Car 1998- Stella |